Put It In Writing

Putting it in writing is something I did steal from many who write about money.

One thing I have not seen is the "Financial Money Plan", unlike a budget, it gives you a clear direction on how, when and where the money will come from.

Put It In Writing
You need a dollar figure amount and a time that you think that financial plan will come about.

It's not enough to say "I want lots of money".

Do you want $100 in the next hour? Or do you want a million in the bank by age 45. Shoot higher if needed.

So what is your dollar figure?

Is it a dollar figure at all? Maybe it's a car, or new turntables.

Figure it out. Put it in writing.

Work Your Money Plan
The financial money plan is the second part of putting it in writing.

It is just like a business plan, for those of you who are mystified by a business plan, you are going to learn right now.

There are several ways to write a business plan, and the way I'm going to show you has more personality than it's more technical counterpart.

Do all the details on this one, do a rough draft and make it official as possible. You are the CFO of you, and his is a contract that you have with yourself, and the nice part is, you can change it when you see fit. When you have all the details, type it all out so it is an official document.

-Your name
-Your title
Homemaker, car salesman, multi-millionaire

-What your title officially does
Everything under the sun!

Write down what you do as a financial analyst, as a single mom, or what you occupation entails. This is a way to look at what you are doing and testing to see if its really what you want to do or if it is working at all.

-What is your goal?
Was your plan to get out of debt? Or to purchase a new washer and dryer for the house? Did you want to send the kids to grandma while you backpack in Europe, or are they going with?
Start with your plan destination.

-What is your money making plan?
Are you working? If you do work, list your salary and any deductions like taxes and 401k contributions and write down what you have left.

If your not working, but still want to make money, going back to your plan, now is the time to decide what you will do to make money.

This goes for anyone. If you get stuck on this part, make a list of all the skills you have. Can you cut hair? Mow lawns? Do accounting? Are you an attorney on family leave? Did you have a small business you've been meaning to start? Make your list.

Make a list of all the people that owe you money or any tax returns or rebate checks you will receive. You need to incorporate what you have coming to you.

This is the why and how of your plan.

-When does this all need to be done?
Here is your deadline.

Give yourself a reasonable amount of time or realistic amount of money you will have at a certain date.

Type this up and sign it.

This plan can change as often as you like, as our dreams and daily lift shift, you have to learn to be flexible.

If you can, maybe make it a monthly deal to look over your Money Plan and see if it is still in perspective or if you need to start all over again because something in your income has changed. Kids, lost your job, a fire, you win the lottery or get an inheritance.

Not all money issues are bad. Not having your finances in order can work against you in many ways.