Plan Your Work, and Work Your Plan

How come I didn't say you needed a goal?

Goals are so limited. You say "My goal is to be a millionaire!"

Now just think if you would have made plans to be a billionaire.

Do you get it now?

Anyone can acheive Financial Feng Shui. They do not teach this in school, how did I learn? By listening and then creating it.

There is no one cure all financial guru, there are many. If there were an absolute on the matter, all you would have to do is play a Suze Orman book-on-tape in your sleep and you'd wake up knowing all the answers.

Before you get her books on tape, start here. Let me help.

I was tired of not knowing. So I learned. Now I know.

I'm not rich, but secure. There are more people out there more secure, but some that are less than I. There are also those who make more money, but are less secure than those with half their salary.

That is something to think about.

Get Planning

Today, right now in fact, not tomorrow, not in twenty minutes, at this need to think about what it is you want.

The details fall into place later.

Don't let anything hold you back from what it is that you want out of life. Most fears about money have to do with: taxes, education level, debt amount or what others think about you, obsession over your weight, your girlfriend seeing your brother. Whatever. Don't get sidetracked. Those are details that you will deal with at another time.

Live in the moment. This Moment.

What do you want for yourself? Is what you want financial at all?

A house for your family? An education? To help others in your community or abroad? A multi-million dollar corporation? A mom-and-pop business and a house with a white picket fence? To travel the world or to not have an occupation at all.

Trust me, if you don't have your finances under control, you will never get around to the endeavors you want to engage in.

You have to decide, you and only you.

If you are married, you need to separate your goals individually between family and your own personal dreams. Think about what you want, then ask your loving husband or wife to do the same. Purge your ideas. What are you two working for? Find out.

It can be done.

Plan your work, and work your plan.

What is it that you really want?